Full Commercial Demo ft. buddy, sympathy, character, natural reads

Profile photo for Ken Dillon
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Radio Ad


My full professional commercial demo, demonstrating a variety of read styles. Milennial sound, buddy reads, conversational spots, and a compassionate read to boot. Likely to find a sample comparable to what you need for your project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ready to make the switch from iphone to android devices for everything. And everyone gentlemen it's time to step up your grooming game, join the revolution and beard like a viking. We could buy ready made guac but we're too busy mashing avocados chipotle where better is always worth the extra effort for every child out there who just wants to play. There's Cleveland clinic provider of hope with world renowned care battle monsters, solve puzzles, rape, rewards, dungeons and dragons. Wondrous lands await being a dad ain't easy and these kiddos they specialize in creating messes. Want to meet the unicorn of cleaning. Mr Clean's magic eraser. Seriously this thing's magical. Kind of like my fairy princess here you like great prices you like fast and simple you're gonna love Trav ago your travel search starts here So one's owning a jeep like. HM well remember when you were a kid and you played choose your own adventure. Yeah it's kind of like that just better right now than 0%