Instructional Video Voice Over

Video Narration


South African accent delivered in a calm, casual and friendly tone.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
now it's not possible. Toe over. Evacuate a system. Factors that affect the speed and efficiency of evacuation include the size and extent of piping and coils. Ambient temperature, the amount of moisture in the system the size of the pumpkin. See if him and the size of the pump intake pipe or hose Dehydration is only complete. When the micro engage has reached and held the required level. Be sure to use a two stage vacuum pump and change the pump oil frequently. I recommend changing it after each use. Use the quality micro, engage, connected as far from the pump intake as possible and evacuate to a minimum of 500 microns. Make sure you measure this value with the pump turned off.