Lili May

Profile photo for Kevin Hahn
Not Yet Rated


Audio Book, the Story of Lili May's Journey. I was lucky enough to be able to be the southern narrator of the journey story.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Whispers on a southern wind beneath the magnolia sky. Now, I ain't the kind of person to say Lisa street road. No, sir. Life has its turns its twist and its tumbles. Here in Savannah. That road is lined with moss draped oaks and magnolia bloom. So heavy they dip low, rushing the earth like mother's touch. Let me tell y'all a story about a girl named Lily Mae. She had eyes like the stormy sea and the spirit as wild as a creek after summer rain. Lily Mae was more at home with the swaying fields of golden rod and bluebells and anywhere else. She had a laugh that was like sweet tea on a hot day. Pure refreshing and soul stirring every evening. As the sun dipped down low, the sky turned the color of ripe peaches. Lily. Mae would sit on her porch, swing a wooden board, creaking and a familiar rhythm back and forth like the heartbeat of the earth itself. And there it was, she'd weave these tales for her little brother, tales of heroes and villains of love, lost and found fortunes made and squandered all under the watchful gaze of the wild Oak willow tree that stood Sentinel in their yard. Now y'all don't hurry off for nothing. Settle in. Feel the warmth of the fading sun on your face and the gentle caress of the wind whispering through the Spanish moss. We're about to embark on a journey through the heart of the South where every shadow and every Sunbeam has its own story to tell. So close your eyes, take a deep breath and listen to the whispers on a southern wind. Our tale begins right here where the end of the day brings no sadness for. It's just a pra to a night field with Starlight dreams. And as the crickets start their nightly serenade, we turn our gaze to the twilight sky. In the first chapter of Lily May's journey.