Chinese Language Instruction in English

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Instructions for Chinese language learning application taught in English. Demonstrates proper use of tones and syllables.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Among the components of a chinese syllable, there is a tone besides the initial and the final. Generally speaking, one chinese character corresponds to one syllable. A chinese syllable can have no initials but must have a final and a tone syllables with the same initials and finals, but in different tones usually have different meanings. Chinese has four main tones as follows. The main vocal characteristic of the first tone is high and flat when it is articulated, the vocal cords are tightened up and the pitch is kept at a relatively higher level for a while. Let's see some examples so you can understand it better. Tanja, jing, tian shaft to Xiang Zhao souci in k. She, 10 Guangxi.