General British Accent



General British accent used in a novella published on Audible-dot-com to voice an author's description of an historic bullfight held in Bayonne, France.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the bull destined for the blue and gold Matador was also a perfect example of wild beauty and savage might. He did not walk into the arena but burst in like a hurricane without an invitation from the people. He dashed after the first sparkling figure he spotted and chased it along the barrier, but then abandoned it, turned sharply and went after a crimson cape. He suddenly stopped in the middle of the arena, standing perfectly still like a splendid statue of black marble. I could see his outline. Clearly. He looked like a black silhouette against the background of gold. Hiss Figure was outlined with a divinely smooth line. Curvy, powerful had broad and short neck, with proud chest and sculpted rise of the withers flowing into the strong, sloping back. He stood there on his strong, slender legs, broad chested and trim. Not it's all a relative to a cow, but ah, wild beast that equal the horse in its unique beauty, but superior to it in strength and courage. Around me, Gunness Earl's addicted to the bullfight side in delight and click that tongues as they watched him. Truly, I was sorry that the names of these noble bulls were no longer announced. During that time, Nikkan or Violetta walks slowly from the judge's box to the opposite side. Crossing from shadow to light, he hurled himself straight in a relaxed yet calmly dignified manner. His gait was confident. Light and grace will. His head was held high. He was an embodiment of male beauty. He passed the ball closely, and they both pretended not to notice each other and did not do in their heads. Lots in my imagination, I thought they glanced at each other through the corners of their eyes, has if to say, we shall meet. So on the entire amphitheatre, all 10,000 people follow this every movement. The Spectators pushed forward and lean in their seeds. The back rows rested on the shoulders of those in front of them. All became quiet. Belt approached. The red barriers stopped across from one of the boxes. He slowly took off his beret with his right hand on about deeply and courteously. Emotional voices whispered around me. Mama, Mama! Monday, Mama, Mother, that is, his mother, feel tha straightened out and, turning lightly, tossed his beret over his back in one smooth round gesture into the black multitude of people Instantly dozen of obliging hands delivered it where necessary. A small, slender woman with all of skin and black eyes, not yet old, dressed in a dark dress and a black lace shoal on her head, calmly accepted the beret and slowly nodded her gratitude to her neighbour. And so I feel tha dedicated, that most beautiful of bulls to his mother.