Commercial Demo Reel

Profile photo for Jacob Kossler
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


This is my commercial voice over demo reel. I write scripted, voiced, and edited it.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if you love chicken, you're gonna love the clock. Cut up, go ahead. It'll be ready when you get there Plus special prizes and loyalty rewards. It's fast, it's convenient. It's are clocking out, download the clock out at today. What does your future look like at Southwest University? We want to help you find out, discover and learn what your future looks like at South orbit University in the new arcane times. Raining kingdom pack, explore. Never before seen creatures and mont cards. The magic begins with you marking time packed him with 10 cards each burgess in stores today. There's nothing more electric from paying less to go faster. Go 0 to 16 as little as three seconds. Edison Dc three roads looking much brighter, crystal clear. Just got a whole lot clearer with all new oleds A. K TVs. We're bringing you four times the pixels at half the cost, brilliant images without breaking the bank Emma Visuals.