Two chaps having a Chat Part 2

Profile photo for Jack Kravec
Not Yet Rated

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Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Uh huh. Why? Why did you do that to me? With your gone, you have in your will that I'm your successor to all your funds. Wouldn't that be just amazing for me to stumble upon billions dollars billions? I tell you, billions, you treat me. The only reason why you came here were so you could kill me and get my money. Exactly why? Also, I wanna be here. We haven't talked in years. Didn't. Didn't you think it would be suspicious that I just found you out of nowhere? We're planning with this meticulously. For years you have never seen it coming. Oh, this is gonna be great. This is gonna be great. But why? Why would you do this to me? Simple. I don't have enough money. I've been putting this for eight years. Eight old friend. I'm gonna miss you. I'm really sorry I had to do it this to you. Yeah, Yeah, right. Like I'm sorry. Hey, ******* hate you. Just let me die. Yeah, I see that. But under your desk I don't think I didn't know. You're an impressive I know everything. I know your every move. So don't even try. Don't even try to run. Don't even try to ask for help. I should just put one in your head right now. It would be all over. I wouldn't have to worry about anything. Except they don't have a gun. So what am I gonna dio? I mean, don't have a gun. Oh, boys, We're here. Boss. What's going on? Kill this man. Finish him off. Wait! No, Please! Oh, now leave. Before they come back, they will find out. He's dead. I have to get ready. I have to start grieving. He's gone. He will be there. They will be there soon. So will he. Who will be on the other side? I get all his money, all his business set for life. I've got billions in my pocket and no one is there to stop me. Mhm!