Kristina Moritz- Meditation Demo- Calm, Inspirational

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Video Narration

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
meditation for deep relax ation. Welcome to this guided meditation for deep relax, ation and inner peace. Follow the sound of my voice as I take you on a journey filled with visual imagery to a place where you can connect deeply to nature and feel this stresses and strains of the day slip away. Lie down or find a comfortable position. You may need to move into. Adjust your body until you feel fully relaxed. Move your arms away from your body, palms facing upwards. Let your feet drop to the side so that your body is an alignment. Feel the sensation of your spine, connecting evenly with what lies beneath you. Focus on your breathing. Inhale deeply and exhale fully, inhaling deeply. Draw the breath fully into your lungs as you exhale. Let go of any tension that may be stored in the neck and shoulders release. Feel the sense of relief as you do so. Breathe in slowly and exhale deeply. Aziz. You do so become aware of the sensation in your chest. Rising and falling has you breathe. Inhale breathing in and holding the breath for a few seconds on. Breathe out, feel your body sinking deeper into a relaxed state. Make sure that there is space between your shoulders and your jaw and visualize the muscles letting go. Check that your jaw is relaxed. Allow your face, muscles and eyes to relax. Now close your eyes. Turn your attention now to your feet. Flex and point the feet and relax them. Feel the difference in the sensation? Imagine that you are surrounded by a blue healing energy. This'll energy moves around you and over you. The sensation is pleasant, and you can feel the warmth that emanates from it. This'll healing energy is moving through the soles of the feet and as being absorbed into the legs, you feel the muscles of the feet and calf muscles relaxing. The blue energy is warming and soothing, washing away any remaining tension. Tense your calf muscles hold attention tightly and now release. Feel the difference in sensation. Now visualize that blue healing energy moving up through your knees Titan and release both knees. Now tighten and release your leg muscles continue to tense and release in sequence to the movement of the healing energy as it moves all the way up over the buttocks and the hip joints on, and as the warmth spreads through this area, you instinctively start to feel your muscles. Relax as the warmth of energy flows through you releasing tensions, the warmth floods over your abdominals. Visualize the muscles, releasing the warm energy that soothes and then moves over the sides of the body and into the lower back. Inhale slowly and exhale fully. Follow the movement of the energy as it moves up your spine. Vertebrae by vertebrae healing, soothing and reenergizing those disks nerves and then the muscles that spread out across the back. Notice the warm. Does the energy moves up through your shoulder blades, neck shoulders and then radiates down your arms all the way to the tips of your fingers. A Z. Each body part experiences this blue healing light. Feel your muscles tense and relax in perfect synchronized harmony. Now the warmth moves over your collarbones into the chest and ribs has you breathe in thistles. Healing energy is inhaled deeply where it purifies your lungs. Visualize this energy moving through your body as a wave. Feel it moving up your throat over the back of your neck, over your scalp and forehead and up through your jaw. You feel the warmth as it moves over your face until every part of you is bathed in this healing energy. Let your body sink down deeper and deeper, relaxing every muscle. Let all tension dissipate. Let your forehead relax. Let it all go. Focus only on your breathing, breathing in and out. It's time for you to take a journey to a peaceful place, a sanctuary that is far away.