Narration Demo

Profile photo for Kristopher Brown
Not Yet Rated


this is my professional narration demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There are hundreds of comedians who can make people laugh, But the truly great ones can make an audience think they can make an audience feel they can force you to question your assumptions and change your worldview. Dave Chappelle is one of those rare comedians. When shooting a basketball, you want to go up as straight as possible so your shot is as straight as possible. Now there are many things to go into. This number one your hands, your main hands should be positioned directly behind the middle of the ball. So when you release your shooting straight forward, traveling to Mars is like trying to hit a moving target that just so happens to be 50 million miles away. It's difficult, but by no means impossible to pull it off. Engineers have to do a series of complex calculations because it's not about where Mars is. Now. It's about where Mars will be in the time it takes for a rocket to get there. The morning after the party, Jeffrey Hopkins was nowhere to be found. His roommate and longtime friend Anthony divers thought Jeffrey must have stayed over with his girlfriend, Tonya. But of course he hadn't. And it wasn't until Tanya called later that night wondering where Jeffrey was that Anthony started to get worried, so Anthony called the police.