Maniacal Villain character - over-the-top female, haughty, arrogant



Client asked for a Disney villainess a la Ursula or Maleficent. I combined those characters (my favorites) with the voice of my strong, opinionated grandmother.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, my dear. The world is a canvas and chaos is my masterpiece. It's the pursuit of power. The thrill of watching Order crumble that fuels my every action. You see, I believe that chaos is the true nature of this world. And I'm merely revealing its hidden beauty. Ah, the forces of good, such naive concepts. They are bound by their foolish notions of justice and righteousness while I am unrestrained by such frivolous morals. Oh, my dear, the world is a canvas and chaos is my masterpiece. It's the pursuit of power. The thrill of watching Order crumble that fuels my every action. You see, I believe that chaos is the true nature of this world. And I'm merely revealing its hidden beauty, ah, the forces of good, such naive concepts. They are bound by their foolish notions of justice and righteousness while I am unrestrained by such frivolous morals.