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From character to motivational. This demo is comprised from some jobs I have voiced.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why did I let you talk me to come into the home forest? I had to bring it to the biggest, scariest haunted screen park in Utah, you know, so that you'd want to get really close to me. Don't worry. I'll keep you warm and safe. E don't want to go any further. Come on. We just got started. We still have over a mile of scary trails to cover. This place is huge. My gym is iron tribe. Fitness on is different than any other gym out there. Trust me, I've tried them all. I had a goal to get healthy, feel my best and do more with the people I love. Iron tried fun fast fit this Father's Day. Let's turn our hero into a superhero. Give him the power and equipped him with all the super toys he needs so he can save the day. Let's do this. That's the power of Home Depot. Show us your best to be with the best. Show us that no part of you is afraid. What are you waiting for? We've been waiting for you. What we do isn't easy, but easy doesn't build Great. So don't wait for someone to give you something to do. Do it yourself. You're being called Answer. Stand for army Strong