Commercial Demo for Kyle Simpson

Profile photo for Kyle Simpson
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Commercial Demo of my voice ranges and styles for voice over works.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at quizno's. I ordered the turkey, chipotle sub with lettuce, tomato cucumbers, green peppers and mozzarella cheese Quiznos, mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm toasty. The december to remember event at your local BMW dealer. A little big to fit under the tree. But guaranteed to make it her best christmas ever. In a world where odor fights to survive stuff. What's odors biggest rival tied with Febreze. If it's clean, it's got to be tied. Yeah. It's the public's viva Italia sales event. And I know how much you love my penny pasta with marinara and for dessert gelato. See my mom was all wrong about you. Say what some people call it? The big apple. The city that never sleeps. I call it home and will Travelocity. I can wander wisely. We deliver world class care in Tampa Bay Tampa General Hospital. We've all had those special teachers, the ones who finally made it click. Who brought us out of our show, Who cared beyond the classroom, Who helped us make sense of the world. I think the universe is on my side. Mm hmm.