Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Kylen Deporter
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Commercial Range

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a perfect song for every moment. And with millions of tunes at my fingertips, I always stay true to my jam. Spotify music for everyone. People think the impossible Whopper tastes just like a regular whopper. So when they find out it's made from plants and not be, all they can say is, That's impossible. Exactly the impossible Whopper on Lee. A Burger King Drive into the future and style greater than ever. Toyota Corolla. Let's go places. Yeah, you were born to stand out. Be comfortable in your own skin and in your genes. Urban Outfitters Feel the adrenaline in your face as a bloodthirsty mercenary or a hacker. Join the Rebellion and Night City Cyber Bunker 2077. It's easy to round up the cost of your purchases today so you can invest all that spare change for tomorrow. Watch a little grow into a lot with the acorns out