Animation reel



Award winning reel demonstrating a range of wacky characters from 10 yrs to 80yrs in English and US. High energy, comedic and varied in style, accents and pace.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
once upon a time, there lived a sweet and gentle princess. 30 years in this stinking tower. If you're gonna kidnap imprison a girl to force her to love you, you could at least once Hey, me! You want to see me do a trick on my skateboard watch? Being on the roller coaster is call White Teo for me. No, I changed my mind like, Hello, Sam. We're going to the dairy to see how my milk is turned into a bird. If you are not quite at this minute, it will be nothing but French grammar and biology. Test for the rest of the year with extra frog dissections. Jeffrey, Jeffrey, we're going probably in the top again. Sometimes I wonder if it was a good idea marrying a penguin. And then I also really don't matter if you're 85 25 extensions of your face that you know that thing couldn't be happier. Not Looks like we got asked some union buckaroos. I hope you like several sources. Just oh, my parents all want to do is get licked His boots like bobo tops and new cheekbones says something dramatic. And I said, Well, I love life. If you don't love life, what's the point of living it? And it's not magnets loving his Season two of Snug Island, Did you see the episode when Ross and Green your tricks do not fool me?