ELearning Demo - Lively - Upbeat - Encouraging - Patient - Humor

Profile photo for Laura Doman
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Publix (lively, upbeat), Wells Fargo (friendly, patient), Change Management (encouraging), NVIDIA VRWorks (excited, happy), PMO (instructional, guiding), Kia (friendly, informational), Pharmacy (step-by-step, teaching), Transitions (attitude, funny)

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey folks, we'll be conducting this training inside our publics virtual grocery store where we'll tag along with the store manager as she identifies any hazardous or unsafe practices that put her customers and her store's reputation in peril. So let's get started, stop right there. No, you need to review the review and try this again. Welcome back to Wells Fargo's financial strategies for success course when budgeting, consider focusing on the big ticket items, avoid high interest debt and loans for items that will quickly lose value. Finally, consider taking steps to help reduce your taxable income. Good call mark involving people ensures all members of the organization will be willing to work towards successful change joe's email gives no specifics on what the roles of the team will be. It's doubtful that someone reading this email will feel management will get behind the change the demand for realism increases dramatically. The instant a player puts on a head mounted display, images, sounds and interactions make or break the immersive nous of the experience VR Works audio brings truly immersive audio by path tracing sound in three D space and real time. Let's take a look review mapping, Agile PMO KPI s in the guidebook, then drag a valid Agile PMO KPI to the appropriate strategic objective statement. Then select submit many great ideas have come together to form Kia's newest hybrid, plug in the charging cable to shed some light on the model's newest features. Next click on each hot spot to learn more about optimus interior highlights. Is there anything in this scene that could be potentially dangerous to your pharmacy tech? That's correct. Sally should have safety goggles and also be wearing single use gloves. See learning is fun the end.