US Female VO Commercial Sample

Television Ad


Four different commercial reads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This year I'll keep my standards high and my squats low and workout gear that stays put and never plays games. No matter how I get my fitness fixed, I can stay focused until I reach my goal. Welcome to the year of lower lunges and higher standards. When you're not trying so hard, you can have a real good time, high noon, hard seltzer, real vodka, real juice, 100 calories. Things just got real, discover what other apple lovers have already found. Envy breed obsession. It starts with a spark, a spark that creates momentum, momentum that allows us to reach new heights and better the lives of every person on earth at intel. We create the momentum that will reshape our future and create the spark that changes literally everything.