Audiobook Reading - Beatrix Potter, British Classic, Children's Story



A reading from the classical British children's author Beatrix Potter, The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The Tale of Mr Jeremy Fisher by Beatrix Potter. Once upon a time, there was a frog called Mr Jeremy Fisher. He lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of the pond. The water was all slippy, sloppy in the larder and in the back passage. But Mr Jeremy liked his feet wet and nobody ever scolded him, and he never caught a cold. He was quite pleased when he looked out and saw large raindrops splashing in the pond. I will get some worms and go fishing and catch a dish of minnows for my dinner, said Mr Jeremy Fisher. If I catch more than five fish, I will invite my friend Mr Alderman, Pat Ptolemy Tortoise and Sir Isaac Newton. The alderman, however, eats salad. Mr Jeremy Fisher put on his Macintosh and a pair of shiny galoshes. He took his rod and basket and set off with an enormous leap to the place where he kept his boat. The boat was round and green and very like the other lily leaves. It was tied to a water plant in the middle of the pond. Mr. Jeremy took a Reed poll and pushed the boat out into open water. I know a good place for Minos, said Mr Jeremy Fisher. Mr. Jeremy stuck his pole into the mud and fastened the boat to it. Then he settled himself cross legged and arranged his fishing tackle. He had the dearest little red float. His rod was a tough stalk of grass. His line was a fine, long white horse hair, and he tied a little wiggling worm. At the end. The rain trickled down his back, and for nearly an hour he stared at the float. Huh? This is getting tiresome. I think I should like some lunch.