Audiobook Reading - Shirley Hughes, British Classic, Children's Story



A reading from British children's author Shirley Hughes Mr. MacNally's Hat

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
one of all fees, Very good friends. Was the milkman Alfie like to watch out for him coming up the street in his milk float? When he came whistling up the steps to leave the milk on the doorstep of Alfie's house, Alfie would wave from the window, and the milkman always waved back. And when Mom and Alfie met him out delivering milk around the neighbourhood, he would call out, Watch a mate. How's yourself? And Alfie would call back. Fine, Thanks, mate. Then the milkman would give him a thumbs up. Okay, sign as he drove on in the cold weather, the milkman sometimes wore a woolly hat, but for the rest of the time, he didn't wear anything on his head at all. One wet morning, when the rain was pouring down, Alfie looked out of the window and saw the milkman running up the steps of the house with his hair soaking plastered down on his forehead. The raindrops were dripping down his nose and off the end of his beard, and Alfie had a very kind thought. While Mum was paying the milkman, Alfie went to the toy cupboard and brought out Mr McNally's black hat. Then he ran to the door. Here is a present for you, he said, holding it out to keep your head dry. Thanks a lot, said the milkman, looking at the hat. That's a good hat, that is. Then he clapped it onto his head and went off down the steps and drove off.