E Learning - Self Help, Women's Health, Educational, Matter of Fact



E-Learning demo from a women's health self help book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
introduction. What's the greatest lesson a woman should learn that since day one, she already had everything she needed within herself. It's the world that tried to convince her. She did not ruby core. I remember from a young age, hearing from multiple sources that to succeed as a woman, I had to work hard twice as hard as a man. In fact, early on I felt the drive to do as much as I could and push myself in school. I took all the hardest classes, worked for top grades and was involved in activities to develop my creative talents and practice leading teams. These are all admirable pursuits. But I noticed that my drive came at a cost. In high school. I was regularly up past midnight trying to complete homework. I was spread as thin as I could be and now looking back, I can see the toll it took on my body. The pressure I felt to perform, create achieve and work only grew. However, as I continued through college and into my career, all the while my health issues became more problematic. My anxiety went from occasional to constant, My insomnia became a nightly problem. I was gaining weight despite being active daily. My skin was breaking out. My periods were missing and I felt more and more overwhelmed by all that I had to do instead of being invigorated by the things I wanted to do. I felt unable to tackle them and drained. I criticized myself for procrastination for inefficient time management and for not having my body and my life perfectly together. I tried diets, workouts and planners. I bought every inspirational book I thought might help to figure out how to do it all. I see my struggles reflected all the time in the lives of other women. And the fact is we're working long hours but struggling to get everything done caretaking Children and friends with little time left over to rest, exercising constantly, but not seeing results, trying to eat well, but still feeling blah. And we find we have less and less energy left over to create our best work, nourish our relationships and access our joy for life in general.