Kissyfur and Stucky

Profile photo for Leah Sponburgh
Not Yet Rated


Excerpt from a children's book - all characters and narrator voiced by Leah Sponburgh.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
just up ahead was Miss Emmylou Kissy for his teacher and all the kids from its class. They were standing in front of a big barrel filled with water and bobbing apples. Hello, Children, she said to kissy fur and Stuckey. You're just in time to play dock for the apple. I'd better not. Said Stuckey. If that water is very cold and I stick my head in it, I might get sick. And tomorrow on my birthday, kissy fur won't want to catch my germs that I won't get my birthday hug. How fortunate. Then said Miss Emmylou with the kindly smile that the water is just the right temperature. Four porcupines. Oh, okay, then here I go. He dipped his head deep down into the barrel. When he came up again, he was covered with apples. All the other kids stared. Hey, Tommy, Lenny yelled, You're supposed to do it with your mouth, Not your quills. Stuckey alone Kissy fur warned. You're just jealous cause you can't do it. He can dio Oh yeah, sneered the warthog. Who would want Teoh? Just you wait until you give him that birthday hope tomorrow, Then you'll be like one of those apples full aquellos Ha ha ha. Maybe he's right, whispered Stuckey, about to grow very sad again. No, he isn't, said kissy fur.