Connor Louie Animation Demo

Profile photo for Connor Louie
Not Yet Rated


From cave explorer to an unstable revenge attempt. From wandering ronin to crying about not making it to the bathroom on time.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
e can't prove it, but I am totally completely sure that Paris lived here back in the old days and left behind a Who's a little sleepy. Who sleeping his life boy who's wasting his precious die. Rhetorical question. You making me? What are you? Seven? You look like it. Your body looks so fragile. I could break it with one pink. I'm like totes frustrated. It's not cool at all. It's like all the stuff that's like tastes like nothing. And it's supposed to be, like, Good for you or something. Whatever. There was an incident at the seafood booth. Excuse me. I have to go say hi to an old friend. Won't be minutes, Gary. Long time no see. Yeah. I didn't expect to see me, did you? Faster on my vengeance. Humans. Concepto love requires admiration, attraction, devotion and respect. Conclusion. I am 50% in love