Character Voiceover Reel



Here is my character reel, including my natural American accent and a British RP, Polish and German accent. It also includes a little German.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) German North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Still think boys are better. Of course they are. In fact, I could go on and on about all the reasons. Girls are worse than boys. But I'm going to sum it up in just one word goodies. Oh, a baby dragon. Oh, I've never seen a baby dragon before. He's so cute. Oh, he's just so incredibly wonderfully wonderful. Oh, barely. Besides look at these mines there ancient. They probably won't even go off anymore. Probably the last of them. Come on. We have science to do. I didn't lose her. She was right there not with him. With me. Why would he be there? Stop it. Just stop your mission is to find fix and finish high value targets at the A. Q. Network in poll. Ask you were smart when you stole this place from me, you knew who among my people to corrupt and you took away my strongest ally, my father. But you didn't know me. You never thought I'd fight back. You didn't know me. Delilah. But you will. I find it curious. You're so easy to read. Did you really think you could keep any secrets from me? That's adorable. Stress test. Got a hook. Previous session terminated after unacceptable levels of cervical deceleration, commencing test. Now irons unsuccessful stress test. Oh, of course Jordan's. If you're watching this, you owe me a drink. I don't know what you've seen or what my father might have done to you. But you're wrong, grim freya. They were good people and they weren't fools. Let go. I am the daughter of safer and Kroll Princess Tigre and heir to the throne and I submit myself to you in exchange for their freedom. I am SAM system, administration and maintenance. I hope your stay in the juvenile detention center has been a pleasant one. In the age of the ancients. The world was unformed, shrouded by fog, but then there was fire, heat and cold life and light and dark. It looks like humpty dumpty has taken his last fall. Even old Eggman, the destroyer gets scrambled in the end. Right? People been waiting for this ******* to get whacked for ages without good hearted souls. I'm sorry. I get emotional without people like us to put these bastards six ft under. Where'd society be? Oh, hey honey, how was your day? I was thinking chicken tonight. That sound good. Okay, you dinner's ready in an hour sugar. Oh my God, I love your nails. Where'd you get them done? That's great. So I saw you in the park with Derek, stay away from him or I'll kill your car. Okay, bye. Cutie. See you in home room