Audio Book Young Adult



young adult audio book, childrens story, engaging, thriller, fantasy, animated, colorful, vibrant.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you scale a short fence of the cemetery with relative ease, careful to avoid any watchful eyes. Since the start of summer, rumours of disappearing corpses and sightings of deceased loved ones of being spreading an anonymous tip has brought you to Hangman's Hill, the while crouching behind a thorny bush. You see no immediate sign of anything amiss. Milly Molly Mandy was collecting foreign stamps. She had collected an Irish one already, and it was stuck in Billy Blunts New stamp album. Billy Blunt had just started collecting stamps, so Milly Molly Mandy was collecting for his. Sam is wearing a panty hose balaclava in his hand. He has a bag filled with two ply toilet paper, a buck pack of jumbo hen's eggs, and a high pressure stink bomb launcher borrowed from his cousin in front of him dies his target. Once upon a time, there lived a monkey named Bark on a tree by the side of the river tree was an apple tree on the fruits it bore with sweetest nectar. He waves to the prey, go stuff and calls them by name. Giancarlo. Recipe Roberto, they do not answer. These are not their names