On Hold Message - MOH - Acura dealership



On Hold Messaging for a car dealership - upbeat and friendly girl next door

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thanks for choosing Gun Acura. We appreciate your patience as we locate an available team member. Meanwhile, our friend and former san Antonio spurs player Manu Ginobili has a few words about scheduling service and how to save time on your next vehicle purchased at gun. Did you know you can schedule service for your vehicle online? It's real simple. Just visit service dot gun Acura dot com and choose a time that's convenient for you. Would you like to make the car buying process a lot faster and more convenient? We thought so that's why we created gun at home. So you can do everything from the comfort of your own home. Whether you choose a vehicle from gun accurate dot com, schedule an at home test drive, get a real offer for your trade, submit your credit app for quick approval or discuss financing options. Everything is faster and more convenient with gun at home, even the paperwork and here's the best part. Not only do you save a ton of time, but you get to relax at home while we do all the prep work gun at home. Let us know if you want the faster, easier option for your next purchase. I know I would, but thank you again for holding. We are experiencing a longer than average wait time. If you want to continue holding, stay on the line and we promise someone will be with you as soon as possible. Otherwise press zero to return to the operator.