Character Demo Reel (RAW)

Profile photo for Marcel Howard Jr.
Not Yet Rated


In this demo, you can find various voices that I've used in videogames and animations since the start of 2022.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You've got a lot of nerve thinking you could just walk right by me. Hey, hey, where are you going? I'm the keeper of the Goblin City. Nobody's allowed through. Where do you think you're going? Is that a dragon? Wait, wait for me. What's that? Look on all your faces. You knew the risks when you signed up for this program. Now get your uniforms on. Get Urus is out there and fight some aliens before I break my foot off in your ***. No, I don't know anything about the time machine in my closet. I didn't build it. It's probably dark brown. Why are you putting me in handcuffs? I didn't build it. I'm not going in the closet. I'm not going to go in the club. Okay? All right. I'm going in the closet greetings, my Lord. I have created one of the most advanced robots ever conceived. What do you mean? It doesn't have enough guns. Please, please, Captain, don't throw me overboard. I promise. I'll do better. I'll swab the poop deck. If you won't, I can even eat the rats below deck. It's just a misunderstanding. Please, No, please, please, No. You my only brother. You're coming to my establishment and try and make a fool out of me. I'm not going to kill your wife and your daughter. But you're gonna wish they were dead. What will it be? Superheroes? You must follow the rules. I'm sorry to tell you, but time is a ticking tick took **** dog