

Small character reel featuring some voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You must not change one thing. One pebble, one grain of sand until you know what good and evil will follow on that act. Stop faffing about I, I busy you interrupt me doing a stuff. If you don't kill me, I won't die. And then we both live. You killed him but I want to kill him. All I wanted was to put my bloody feet up for a bit. Now I gotta kill you instead. So these rebel scout will face the full power of the song Empire. This is a dictatorship and I rule with an I A **** silence you fools. I'm trying to watch Law and Order. Hi. My name is Bo and I've been driving a truck for 42 years in uh August of 1996. I was abducted by a group of lizard people and made subject to their experimentations. What? Oh, the wrong video. Oh God. Uh Hi. My name is Bo. I've been driving a truck for 42 years. I like long walks on the beach and hot foot. Sundays. We've come a long way boys. Now it's time for America to show its teeth off bays. Warm it all up everything you've got. Come on, you apes, you want to live forever. We're on a tight rope. The enemy outnumber us. But we know their best men are gone and they lack our resolve. Let's finish these clouds and end this war. Give them **** boys.