Company Overview

Profile photo for Mark DeBoskey
Not Yet Rated
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An energetic 40-second salute to the people who make this company shine.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What makes Optimus SBR one of the most admired corporate cultures in Canada? It's not our state of the Art office or our community involvement with over $1 million raised and donated across multiple agencies or our one free day off a month. Love you Optimist days or the complex and engaging work we do for our clients or the professional development we do, or our approach to promotions, which is simply stated, promote when ready or our epic events throughout the year. It's not even our bold attitude or entrepreneurial spirit. Ok. Yes, that makes a huge difference. It's our people. They are. What makes optimist spr such an incredible place to work?