Australian Business Demo

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the world is changing on both consumers and Amway. Business owners have more options to earn income than ever before, though maybe those have different goals and motivations. They're all looking for a better life, and they want em. Ways help There are many different pathways within the A B O experience. The 11 practises do not happen in order. Additionally, many occur at the same time. Let's explore the 11 a b o practises. The first practise is identifying the right prospects. HBO's look for people with the personality traits, characteristics on demographic attributes to engage with them and their teams prospects who are willing to listen can assess the opportunity and make the decision to join our sort after our time on the trail has shown that A B owes focus on four main jobs to build their Amway businesses, bringing people into the business, developing themselves and their teams managing their business on nurturing relationships made. Matthew Matthew is a professional accountant on For the last eight years, he's worked to the drunken duck, a chain of French restaurants. In these years, the drunken duck has grown many fold and there are counting. Needs have grown at the same pace. About 20% of their bills are sent as paper invoices entering all those bills into the accounting system. It was tedious, error prone on a real pain that wass until he found pro PE. The installation was simple, the benefits for their business were clear, and Matthew was eager to get their suppliers on board. Jane here is one of drunken ducks regular suppliers. She prints all their seasonal menus, posters and marketing materials. Jane and Matthew are in regular contact, and he convinced Jane to try pro PE. Jane's print shop is called Quick Copy, and she's been running it for six years now.