Matt Brown - Character Demo for Animation



This is my demo tape for various types of animation projects such as anime and cartoons.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hurry carter throw me your grappling hook and I'll attach it to this big, ugly rock. There. This is why I'm the brains of this tear. Oh yeah. I knew that was a gargoyle. Why didn't you just listen to me jane? I hoped you could live a normal happy life. That blade you carry the badge. You made your choice. And now one of us must die. You've got a lot of nerve punching someone when they're trying to tie their shoes. It would have felt so much better if you told me you were going to do that. How about this time? You ain't for my nose. I want to hear the crack. A question, detective. Do you know the name of my power and the rot it destroys without malice or bias. Your partner got in my way, so I had no choice but to dine on him first. Truly impressive. You're only the third person who can dodge my Vulcan strike. I can tell you, love a good fight. In that case, how about I beat the **** out of you, boy? What? You're laughing, you scabby muppet! If I knew these six boys would expire by tomorrow, I would have eaten them sooner. Now grab a spoon and start shoveling.