Political Demo 2021

Television Ad


Professionally produced Political demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Enough is enough over half a million debt. The nation tonight has marked a new watershed moment in the COVID-19 pandemic and the Republicans still won't support universal healthcare. Many Americans will pay more, wait longer for health care and get worse care than you receive. Now. Call your representative. Tell them you support universal access to health care for all Americans. He has the vision to lead new york's recovery. Andrew yang is a champion of progressive thought, pioneering ideas for police reform, universal basic income and fair taxation. If you look at the heritage of universal basic income, it's a deeply american idea where thomas Paine was forward at the founding of the country as mayor. Andrew yang will help new york returned to its former glory on Election Day vote Andrew yang for mayor. Let's use a little common sense. Why have we normalize the idea that armed police should be making routine traffic stops, gun doesn't need to be present to write a speeding ticket. I want to help end the police shootings that disproportionately target the black community people being murdered unjustly and cops are not being held accountable support prompt 385 and remove armed police from traffic enforcement. Marjorie Taylor Green is a walking talking conspiracy theory who is so threatening that other members of Congress have increased their personal security details out of fear for their own well being. Where anger is rising over threats to members of Congress in one of their own cannot support marjorie Taylor Greene signed the petition, let the speaker know that America supports marjorie Taylor greens expulsion from Congress. You don't need to go to the beach if you want to see flip flops, just watch mitch McConnell in january. He called donald trump's big lie about the election, a threat to democracy. But now mitch McConnell says he would support trump in 2024 if the president was the party's nominee, which you support him. Absolutely. When mitch McConnell's around one thing's for sure, it's definitely flip flop season.