
Video Narration


A British voice with confidence, flexibility of pace, dynamics and articulation. Covering high fashion, luxury brands and the Red Cross. Able to be Mom, girl next door, professional, sales character and sultry when required. I work extremely under direction so never be afraid to ask.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Anglia, Cambridge, Hertfordshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
with its alluring shades and long lasting formula, this's one foundation that will have you turning heads all night long. Infallible fresh wear only from L'Oreal. Paris. Rising temperatures, longer droughts, infectious diseases help where it's needed. Most support. Red Cross International. What if a glass of water could do more than just high trait Introducing twinings cold infuse wellness blends filled with nutrients to boost vitality, metabolism and reduce stress? For me, the perfect car is the one that makes me forget. I'm even driving the new Jackie. What takes you places you've never been before. You might think of eye care as a furniture company, but really, we're a people company. We just happened to make furniture. Keogh. Make the dream yours, saving for months To get that perfect item. Get it now at Nordstrom, rack functions as a fraction. Nordstrom rack