The GloboNet customer experience is coming to YOUR neighborhood!

Radio Ad


Modeled after the stereotypical, feel-good internet service ad.

Internet Service Providers love an upbeat, friendly, and chipper commercial to inaccurately advertise their often sub-par (and frustrating quality) services. This commercial captures the sound and style that they love to convey while delivering a satirically honest message with its actual words.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
great news. The world's biggest Internet service provider is coming to your neighborhood. People all across the nation can't stop talking about the global net customer experience, and you're about to discover what that's all about. Here at Global Net, we believe in community unity and singularity and just how do we bring these things to your neighborhood? Well, it's simple. We monopolize your Internet, and then we lobby with your money to keep it that way. Say goodbye to a local tech support, blazing fast Internet speeds and reliable customer service. Say hello to data caps, hidden fees and throttled speeds when you need your Internet, the most want to enjoy your favorite streaming service is like Netflix who are HBO now? No problem. We've created a friendly and easy additional payment plan on top of our monthly Internet plans, through which you can stream your favorite shows that regular non throttled speeds off for an additional fee. But wait, thinking about maybe trying out another provider, something more local. Don't worry, we've got you covered. If you're hearing this commercial, it's because we've already bought them out. That means Global Net is now your best and only option, and we're excited to have you global net. Whether you like us or not, you're gonna like us