A good book can never say goodbye

Profile photo for Michael Krumpe
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The story from the point of view of a book at it's readers. An entertaining skit.

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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markers. A good book. Never can Say Goodbye. A monologue. As read by Michael Crump. I thought you loved me. I did. I do love you. It's just that I've got to move on. We've come to an end. Can't you read me over again? I could. But there's another book that I'm interested in. There's another book you've been looking at other books while reading me. Not seriously. Just skimming through the pages. Skimming you say. And was it hardcover or paperback? I don't think it matters neither. It's a Kindle. Besides, you can't judge a book by don't say it. A Kindle. Are you having a midlife crisis? Where's The Corvette? An 18 Year Old Bay? What's your point? I don't know what the point of having more than one book. If it's a good one like me because I like to read. That's why no one reads just one book. If you had one book to take on a desert island, what would it be? I don't know the dictionary. That's not a book. That's an autopsy report. A really good book is about the arrangement of words to create life that lives forever. Okay. War and peace. How can anyone remember all those names? You don't have the stamina to tackle philosophy Moby **** to hat grapes of wrath to dry. I'm picking a book. Not a wine. Both should be chosen with good taste and knowledge. 100 years of solitude on a desert island. Final answer. Did you even once think of choosing me? Of course not. I'm yesterday's news. So What's The New 1? I'm still browsing. You've already given it my bookmark haven't you? Where's my bookmark? You put it in another book haven't you? That bookmarks been around hasn't it? What are you talking about right here. Brand new. The same one the bookstore gave me when I picked you up. So that's how you think of it. I feel so cheap. I paid full price. I heard lots of good reviews. My friends really enjoyed you. You and your friends like to gossip and I'm a great piece of pulp. Is that it? I never said that so typical. Always so cryptic. You share nothing of yourself while I'm in open. Don't say it. Well, I have a bit of gossip myself. It seems your sister wants me. She needs something interesting to take with her on vacation. Don't be absurd. You're not her type. Don't be so sure. I heard her say she was tired of dating losers and really just wanted to crawl in bed with a good book. I may be a little dog eared and my binding isn't as tight as it used to be, but I still know how to captivate a reader. Well, it's not going to happen. I mean, she can buy her own book. Why does she want mine? I thought you were done with me. What do you care? Listen, I've changed my mind. What's the rush? Why? I haven't even finished you yet. Remember when I couldn't put you down? I took you everywhere and you were all I talked about. I lost myself in you. I'll reread you over and over. I'll take you out with me to restaurants, Parks, Starbucks, whatever you want. In fact, how about we go to the beach like the good old days? Let me get your dust jacket.