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Here are a few different scripts and styles: west coast/surfer, instructional, Australian podcast, company ad, and a script from a video game.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ready for some fun in the sun scott's surf shop has everything to cover you at the beach made with shake away technology that makes sure you leave the beach at the beach. Here are some tips to consider before interacting with a patient before an assessment, ensure that you have all the equipment you'll need for your assessment, wash your hands before entering the room, confirm the identity of the patient. Good day mates! Welcome back to gold spotters. The part all about cutting your teeth and get her noticed in the music biz. Today we're taking an in depth look at the vibe of your track and who you are as an artist. Are you tired of hiring professionals that aren't so professional at Randy's Electric? We believe you deserve a safe and reliable home that you can be proud of. They'll all laugh at me when they hear that I lost my wand. Oh, I have to find. It may be something in here. Can help me. Oh, thank goodness. I totally forgot about my potions. That'll do the trick