Meditation (6:30 in length)

Video Narration


This is a longish meditation audio, using a smooth, deep, resonant vocal approach.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
close your eyes. Forget the darkness around you and watch the bright red color within your eyelids. Look intently into that violet red color. Meditate on it and imagine it is becoming bigger and bigger. Behold around you a dimly shining sea violet light wave of light, A ripple of peace floating on the surface of the sea way we're tossing on an ocean of light. Do your tiny life is part life? Meditation deepens you A little shallow wave of peace are becoming the deep, wide ocean of peace. Meditate on the thought. I am a wave of peace I feel the vastness just beneath your consciousness. The wave should feel the sustaining life of the vast ocean beneath it Still with a straight spine. Cover up your fidgety eyeballs with the sheets of your islands. Hold still, Theun. Loosen your mind from the consciousness of body weight. We owe Rooth nerve strings that are attached to the heavy muscles and bones of your body. You forget the consciousness of carrying a heavy bundle of bones tied in the thick cloth of flesh. Rest free your mind from the consciousness of a beast of burden. Do not think of your body load, but feel your soul untied from the constant material quality of heaviness. Feel and meditate on this, your mental freedom from your body.