Software eLearning Lesson/Demo - INVEX ERP



A video I not only voiced but scripted and animated for a full time job at a metal ERP software company. I created and voiced many eLearning software lessons in this project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The production system in in vex is structured to handle various production flows and methodologies that could vary by company. This is to accommodate different operational requirements and sizes of warehouses, for example, a smaller warehouse may wish to have a simpler and more streamlined flow in the warehouse, whereas larger warehouses may require more process control, or perhaps they have more multi step processing. The following illustrates some of the business cases that are supported. The simplest flow is that an order is entered by sales and immediately appears in the warehouse for processing. Some companies can add a scheduling step to the fulfillment, hence, once the order is entered, it then appears to the schedule er, to schedule the jobs on the different machines and then it appears in the warehouse for processing. For some companies, they may wish to have a planning department review the orders possibly to perform allocations and reservations prior to the scheduling step. These companies may also wish to nest several items together in a multi branch environment. A company could adopt a particular model for one location while another warehouse location could adopt another. Companies can adopt different workflows by product or process as well.