Commercial -- Relatable, Educational, Warm, Friendly Teacher

Profile photo for Miriam Olson
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Narration for kids, young adults and teachers that conveys information in a friendly and conversational way. Created for DAB -- Defense Against Bacteria. Voice is youthful, clean, warm, knowledgeable and informative. Very \"real person\" in-the-know.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the life of a teacher is anything but predictable. Every day they go above and beyond to ensure the success and happiness of students all over the country. But as those students spread, germs and bacteria morph and become resistant to standard sanitizers. The chance of runny noses and miss classes increases with alcohol based hand sanitizers. No longer getting the job done. Isn't it time for something new? Meet dab this'll game changing, hand protected and sanitizer kills 99.999% of school bacteria, including ones like Steph Low Caucus areas, which caused staph infections. But students and parents aren't the only ones will notice a difference. Everyone who uses it will. Dad kills all the gross stuff on your hands without killing your hands. No drying out, no irritation, definitely not flammable. No matter how many times you use it, you can see the protection too, like magic, which students will love and just one pump can keep you protected and sanitized for hours which teachers will love. We know your schools. Health is in your hands and Dad wants to make sure those hands are always protected. No matter what dab we've got you covered. Then