2018 Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Matt Meyer
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


My commercial demo for 2018.

-Signature: Son, Husband, all american, anal retentive, boyish, compassionate, confident, conversational, cool, courage of convictions, deadpan, dry, engaged, genuine, grounded, intelligent, intense, low-key, real, reassuring, reflective, sensitive, shy, sincere, sports fan, straight-forward, thoughtful, trustworthy, honest, vulnerable, warm and friendly, youthful.

-Keanu Reeves prototype (real, not surfer).

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from your family and your belongings to your dreams for retirement nationwide is here to protect what you love most. Nationwide is on your side instantly from your iPhone using the capital one wallet happened. Apple pay. Honestly, it's pretty awesome. Capital war. What's in your wallet? It's tough to drink besides hatred. Absolute cosmos. Not every rivalry is a fair fight, like Wendy's beef with the other guys. While they thought out Wendy's goes all out serving fresh beef for nearly 50 years. That's why true Burger fans side with the official hamburger of the N. C. A. A. He thought you knew who Think again. This'll is who and it's gonna change your life. Instead, choose something that makes driving a pleasure. Toyota Hybrid. The reason My six million people have fallen in love with driving again find your reason at Toyota dot com