

This is an excerpt from the audio book \"Side Hustle Blueprint.\" While the book is about how to start and make money on-line... it's also about personal growth and changing our personal mind set to a \"growth mindset\" that primes us to move out of our comfort zone and be active in our lives...

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
can you name to successful business owners who inspire you? Sometimes watching someone do something is more impactful than reading about someone doing something. If you feel that this resonates with you, you'll need to push yourself further than you are by identifying business people who inspire you. What do these people do differently? Why do they inspire you? How did they get started? Did they fail along the way? If yes, how did they respond to this failure? Role models are is essential in the business world as they are when it comes to personal matters. Okay, so there you have it. Whether you're looking to get started in drop shipping, affiliate marketing, e commerce, online marketing or even Kendall publishing this book has a little something for everyone. In fact, make that a whole lot of something. The amount of research that's been put into this book is testimony to the fact that I want you to succeed in whatever venture you choose as a side hustle. I want you to look back and thank the stars. You stumbled upon this book because of the many ways that it can help change your life for the better