Conversational, friendly, natural commercial demo - English Female

Profile photo for Monique Danielle
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Online Ad


I recorded this demo in studio and it is directed and produced by Tracey Hoyt. All styles and characters could be used for internet, radio, or television ads. Styles are non-announcer and instead are a relatable, easy-going tone better for reaching millennial or gen z listeners.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you won't believe your eyes, the great taste you'll recognize, but the size is a surprise. Your phone is now your ticket, buy movie tickets instantly on your phone. Get the new Cineplex app on google play or the app store and enjoy the show. Sorry, I'm late. No worries. Lots of time. We're family jake. Oh my goodness! You're so sweet. I am. What did I do? You're wearing plaid. You hate plaid. You're so adorable, july is get off one stop early month, start with getting off before your usual stop and walking the rest. Walking releases endorphins which make mornings. The new happy hour dear everybody, prosthetic arms are very cool but staring isn't and the stigma that dear everybody dot C. A. The tryptophan in Turkey does not make you sleepy. What's your beef with Turkey? Think Turkey and discover 10 other terrific reasons to love it. Ready? Okay, we say lucky you say savings, Lucky Savings, Lucky Savings, Lucky