So So Little - Short Story Narration

Profile photo for Monisha Koipuram
Not Yet Rated


Short Story Narration - A hospital worker (Doctor) narrates of her feeling of dealing with her work and family scenarios.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. Um The story is named So tempting. Here it goes. It had been a rough day. I felt depleted as I walked to my car and pointed the keys at it, waiting for the beep noise, sitting in the worn dark well over seat cover. I put my face into my hands and began to cry. This is so silly that I cry. Every time a patient passes away, they're not my mother or my father. I told myself sternly, but it made no difference as all I could imagine was a soft skin on the bony cheeks of Mrs Cartwright and her lying in her bed stropping for breath and calling out for Bertie. I held her hand and said that buddy was waiting for her and when he saw her beautiful face, he would laugh and run towards her. I told her in a soft whisper as if I believed it because I did. She had no other family as Mrs Cartwright had been the youngest of all her siblings and out of four Children in one family, no one had Children of their own. I found this hard to believe, but it was true. I had left Mrs Cartwright in the capable hands of Jenny before going for my afternoon tea break. And when I came back, as soon as I saw the doctor and another nurse in her room, I knew she had gone. I often thought it interesting how dying people wait until everyone is out of the room and then pass to wherever they're off to. It's as if they have really had enough of the crying hand holding wailing in some cases and just go. I started to calm down in my car, blew my nose and took a few deep breaths. I felt tired and cold. So put my cardigan on and started the car for home. It took about half an hour to get through the traffic. I had driven this route to and from the nursing home for over seven years now. So I knew which routes to sneak down to avoid lights and streets that only let you drive at 50 K an hour. I was tempted to stop at his coffee shop not far from where I lived and grab a coffee, but thought better of it. It was Wednesday night and Jack would want his dinner early so he could get to the pub for the darts tournament. All I really felt like doing was going home to an empty house, taking a bath P J S on toasted sandwich and a television. But that was going to happen. I love, I called out to the back of her head. The television was on but so loud, I'm sure he was getting deaf. Hi, Judy. He called out without even turning around. Where have you been to work and back is all I replied. Annoyed with him. I've got dots. Yes. I know that dinner won't be long. I peeled the veggies and got them on the ST, set the table for two and went into the bedroom to get changed. Mrs Carr died today. Jack, I said, who was the reply? You know, the nice old lady I took biscuits into and she made a crude set of dollies for me a few years ago. And you hated them on the table. Who, why do I bother? I thought as I streamed the veggies into the colander, we sat opposite each other as if we were strangers. No one spoke until all of a sudden, Jack said you've cooked the steak. Well, love. Oh, have I? That's good. When Jack left the house, I breathed a sigh of relief. I knew it was mean of me, but I just couldn't help it. I felt as if I was still at work sometimes when I go home, he was getting deaf but wouldn't go and see about a hearing aid. It's only when there are lots of people talking at once he told me, but it wasn't, he forgot so much now, not so much from the past. He was actually very good at collecting dates. And places we had been to over the years, but not so for the present, he couldn't even remember what he had said or done the day before. He, sometimes I personally thought he was depressed but he wouldn't hear of it. A friend would ask him what he did on the weekend and it would only be Tuesday. Uh, we went to the markets, didn't we? He would affirm with me and I would have to say no, not the markets. It was a gardening center. He was getting worse. I sometimes that maybe it was made worse by the 12 years age difference between us and that I was just too intolerant. We didn't have Children. Just one of those things really. But Jack came to a partnership with the semi grown daughter who predominantly lived with her mother. Occasionally we would take her away with us on school holidays. Then when she finished school for good, she would come to us and stay for a while. I got to know her really well then and realized how difficult it must have been for Jack not living close to his daughter while she was growing up. About four years ago, Lisa was killed in a car accident and I'm still not sure if Jack really accepted the idea of never seeing her again. Although Lisa was in her thirties, she was his only child. Maybe that is another reason for his mind being the waitress who knows