

Showing off my range for Video Games in my gaming reel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Alex picture. I can't hold it. Take the Children to safety. Now Hide it stateside. I'll find you. I'll join you. Go 00 I am William the Wily At your service lady. How can I help you today? I've got cropped ears. Great potion of power. Unless a potion power all at the best prices in town free. Take him! Take him on Back near. It's gone way! Can't hold them back much longer. Well, they must not possess topping a grand back. It all began with the slaying of dragons. A grave misdeed, sir. A man slain in cold blood. Nothing shocks me these days. You take care tonight, sir. No one safe on these streets. Blast controls in isolation approaching 30 seconds of transformation protocol. Targeting enemy mark at coordinates. 00 sir. I'm sorry. It's just that so many. We've lost so many Jenko. Dixon Price gone. Oh, God! Oh, God! No explanation. Feet, my brother? Yes, 11 years ago today, a TTE the battle of car death Ra