Character Reel

Profile photo for Leslie Hyde
Not Yet Rated


A wide array of characters, accents and styles. A sample of Les Hyde's voice capabilities.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian Irish (General) Scottish (General) Spanish (South American - General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Karzai can fix it. What do you take me for? Just Yeah. Need to figure out how it works. Oh, no. I understand. You heard I was in town. So you had to come over here and ruin a perfectly good evening. How many you got? 60. Yeah, That is bad luck for you, friend. Oh, it's not so hard. You just need some practise. What do you say you take the rest of the night off and I can show you a few things. Ah, but you don't understand. It was supposed to be me was supposed to be mine. And now now you will all pay. Oh, wow. You're pretty good. So, uh, you guys gonna stop or you gonna be at this all day? Oh, well, I guess if you look at it, that ready? Well, I hadn't thought of that before. Of course, you haven't sort of that. You fooled, satisfy you as a goon, and I am a genius. Yes. Well, life out here is not quite what I expected, but wow, you do what you must. I suppose I understand. They do. You think you're doing the right thing, But if you stop what's coming, you'll be saving the world. I will have to show you the truth, though One way or another.