Business Corporate

Video Narration


Ranging from authoritative and corporate to friendly and conversational

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
life uninterrupted. Sounds nice, doesn't it? However, life is full of disruptions. When disruptions happen and your payments suddenly stop, life can come to a screeching halt. America's 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands stretch from the glaciers of Alaska to the tropical forests of Puerto Rico. Did you know that software is not only the applications you used to help transact business, but also the results of your work in those applications we have always designed for people's lives? Because simplicity is not just pleasing, it's empowering. Every year, trillions of dollars are laundered to fund terrorism and crime, subjecting banks to major reputational damage and penalties if control is found to be lacking. Welcome to the MetLife family. You can relax knowing that you've helped protect your own family with MetLife, rapid term life insurance. Now that you're covered, here are a few tips to ensure your policy works for you.