Ravenscroft Manor - Entrance Narrative

Profile photo for Michael Yannette
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


While my voice typically is more high pitched, here I am able to portray a deep, ominous voice of an evil spirit. I give the voice more of a character than just a simple narrative.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Well, I see way. Have guests. Please step inside. Income closer. We have such sights to show you. Welcome to Ravens growth matter. I am the master of the house. You think you're up to the task to face the horrors beyond we show? See, I ask you, during your visit to Ravens Croft manner to please refrain from touching any off the groom, moose and creatures of the night within these walls, the same goes for any of the various trinkets and antiques. And I have both created and collecting the centuries for your safety Lighters, flashlights, cellphones, el cameras off any kind. Maybe he used while traversing the confines off these dolls. Failure to do so very badly for you even become part of my collection instead. No. I invite you to take a little trip to religious Growth banner. The darkness awaits you