Voice assistant/Voicemail demo in English male neutral accent.

Voice Assistant


This is a demo meant for voicemail or IVR. The desired sound was genuine, believable, educational, engaging, helpful, knowledgeable and informative. It is meant to sound articulate and like a real person.

Vocal Characteristics




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and thank you for calling cedar Oasis luxury spa. Your dream spa retreat. If you know the extension of the spa personnel you'd like to speak with, you can enter it at any time to speak with massage therapy, please press one now, thank you for calling Grimsby Developments. The Leader in Heritage Home Development. The office is currently closed. Office hours are monday through friday 8:30 a.m. To five o'clock P. M. Please leave your name, phone number and your request, a representative will return your call as soon as possible.