Military command type role, with style



Video game, main character

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
hold your fire private so there's more than one of you pests. I am cedric Stone, captain of the brave thing. My mission here to assault the Zag ruled structure has been sanctioned by the Earth defense force. I'm fairly confident whatever your mission here was has not you're a bounty hunter. I figured you're too reckless to be a proper member of the Redeemers. You will toss your weapon aside and join us on the brave thing. We have questions for you and that Redeemer rat. You'll know if you come along right now. Save your bullets. Private score. A munitions aren't easy to come by these days except for all the fancy laser tech of course he was only here to collect. We'll learn all we need to know from the Redeemer rat troopers. The mission is a success. The dome has been secured and the threat is no more. Every one of you is getting a vacation. Sergeant, I need you on the bridge now. General it's an invasion fleet. They took us by surprise. They were amassing at uranus negative sir, scorpion missiles won't do us any good. The warships are outside the effective range You you want to use delta nine alpha sir. No it's too close to earth. It's a suicide op attention. This is Captain Stone broadcasting to all E. D. F. Outpost in sector 18 Side 18 has moved to condition Black White I satellites have confirmed a major threat. Alien invasion forces are approaching the base from the south east and the north Delta nine Alpha is at risk. Our curry. The head count is not enough to protect the asset from falling into enemy hands. From this point on all operational crew are ordered to evacuate the outpost, salvage unused weaponry and ammunitions and regroup outside 18 asap the planet is under attack. We're counting on your arrival. Captain stone out. This is Captain Stone, hailing the dominator. I know you're there, I know you're there. You have a lot of alien gut to take control of the D. N. A Cannon all by yourself. I don't intend to kill you with words dominator as you've no doubt noticed by now, the proud men of my battalion will not hold back. We'll see about that Dominator. We will see about that. Dominator troopers find him. Use battle plan zero. Welcome back. Bounty hunter didn't expect to see you again. I don't tend to see people. My men shot to death very often. Really Now, once again, you run around recklessly and interfere in matters that don't concern you that will not be tolerated. You see the way things work around here, that law breakers like you end up penalized for their actions and you've dodged your punishment for far too long. This time, I'll make sure you stay dead quiet bird. You've overstepped your boundaries, bounty hunter. You've overstepped your boundaries. Bounty hunter. This is your last chance to surrender rats like you are. The reason mankind is stuck in the past. No bounty compares to the damage you've inflicted here, I will avenge every last soldier you've murdered, the last reminder of the redeemers. I will stop you. What you've done cannot even be described as a war crime. I should have ordered the sergeant to destroy your corpse. You truly believe you're fighting a good fight. Genocidal maniac. You're a lunatic enough of this and this time, stay dead and this time you will stay dead. Troopers burn his corpse. The mission is a success. General. I wasn't planning on giving you a fair fight. You didn't deserve one. That was for private Jenkins. You think these weak willed aliens will help you win at all? We'll show you proper discipline. Troopers fire at will. There he is pointing that thing at me. Won't do you much good. Have you forgotten why you came running here in the first place? You How did you escape yourself?