Video Game/Interactive Demo

Profile photo for Nhea Durousseau
Not Yet Rated


Nhea Durousseau's interactive demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Is that the best you can do cadet stand up? I'm not here to babysit you? The world isn't going to stop for you to become ready. So you best get ready, understand. Now, start again. It's just art. Yeah. Okay. It's paintings of people dying in horrible agony. But that's just an expression. Hello? Never had a weird thought before. Maybe you're weird for not having weird thoughts. My soul is bound here. I would go with you and protect you my child. I would. But you must go alone. I'm sorry. You've got some explaining to do. I run this story with my brothers and sisters and they all said you ran out with four shirts and a sweater without paying a dime. Either my family is lying or you're just a no good thing. My lost again. I see happens to everyone. I know this to escape. This maze needs more than eyes alone.