Nicolai Gorden Video Game & Animated Interactive Entertainment Demo

Profile photo for Nicolai Gorden
Not Yet Rated


2019 professionally recorded and edited Video Game Voice over Demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) German North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So your soul finally ascended as well. I bet it felt real good, didn't it? I hope you understand now why I desire more. This is Commander Firebird requesting an airstrike at last three or five long. One Oh, two. Tonight we let the sky rain fire. Mm. This will indeed be harder than anything you've ever encountered. From ancient hexes to forbidden spells. Build our off wheels unspeakable magic power. Couldn't hack Air Traveler grand. No very potent portion in stock just for you. But back when we discovered the body, you said he was stabbed with a knife. But there's no way you could've known that you weren't even in the room unless Whoa! Yes, Magic. This is much better. You see, it would be so dull for you to expire without a bit of possess. You possess the same graph ability. Is that inside Rat Donovan? It appears I'll have to take care of you sooner than I fought. Well, actually, I think I'm much too young to be the chosen one. I still have peach fuzz and girls make me feel weird. You're supposed to be a galaxy warrior, not a coward. If your father were still here? He would have done something long ago. You see, all this time you thought I was you cute little animal sidekick, when in reality, I'm just as bad as the rest of them.