

5 samples consisting of Educational, Podcast, Explainer Video, and PSA's

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we can all advance the fight against the Covid 19 pandemic. One way is what we call the three ws where your mask wash your hands, Watch your distance. It's election season and everyone's voting. Join the movement by casting your ballot today. No matter our colour or origin, income or ZIP code, our vote matters. Welcome to the life travel and thickness. Podcast Girl Talk with Alicia Tamiko Each week we will be vibing together to challenge, elevates and evolve from ever. I love the holidays. Sometimes, though, there are bits, well, overwhelming shopping, cooking in laws. It's nice to have a helping hand in Guardian Credit Union. Minstrel stage shows began to appear in American culture in the early 18 hundreds by design producers marketed them to white audiences. They featured song and dance performances and comedic skits that mocked and demeaned African Americans. Often white actors would use dark makeup on their faces and hands in a practice called Black Face.